Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mob"Lie" Attractions

Whenever my mobile makes beep....beep....beep.....beep...... noise, I think of you..

Pardon me for the typo I have made in the title i.e, the letter 'i' has taken a forward jump over the beautiful letter 'L'..,and it results to the change of meaning.  So I'd like to continue with the same mistake.., before you start to read, place your right hand on the heart.

The adjective and pronoun in the above sentence 'my' and 'you' refers to the friends of not same gender and it is one the famous 'like' in the invention of Mark Zukerberg.

Fools used to feel mobiles are invented to talk but the fact they are meant to chat.  It is impossible to find a guy or girl in retreat or canteen or even in the class room without a cute smile on his/her face and mobile in hand.  The device in hand not only brings smile but also makes us to sit on top of the hill.

Don't your face lights up when you gets a message from an unknown number?Be frank..!

From the perspective of boys:(when received a message from an unknown number)

Msg: Hi.....

Boy: Whz dis..?

Msg: I'm ur frnd dude..guess?

Instantaneously the names of all the girls(whom he knows) revolves round his head,all the stars twinkles on his cupid face with crazy expressions and the name of the best strikes his brain.

Boy: Swetha.....:-)

Before sending the message his processor gives one more name 'Sravya.., 'now the crazy face is in dilemma, "Is it Swetha or Sravya..?", finally he replies..,

Boy: Ny clue plz...?

The receiver may be busy so delay in reply, but the boy enthusiastically checks his mobile for every two seconds.

Boy: Hey I'm waitg, rpl soon..

Boy: Giv rpl dude.....:-)

Msg: V bth are from the d sme bnch

Boy: Sampath

Msg: ya.., u r crct dude..

All the glowing stars lost their charm,some how he convinces himself and gives reply

Boy: ha..hw r u ra..?

Sam: 5n n u?

Boy: it ur new num..?shal I sav it?

Sam: hmm...delt old 1

Boy: k ra..,i'm bsy.mes u latr,bye..

Sam: k,bye.

Instead of Sampath it is Samantha or some other girl then the boy is always free to chat, even if each message costs Re1/-.  Really girls are magnets to attract iron fillings.

Now coming to girls perspective:

On an average 90% of teenage girls have nomophobia i.e, they can't live without mobile, but the fact is they need devices only to attract iron fillings.If a girl receives a message from a new number...

Msg: Hi...dude..:-)

For one message they won't give reply and acts as they are in meeting with Barack Obama.

Msg: Hey wt r u dng..:-)

Girl: Whz dis?

The enthusiasm of girls cannot be compared with boys,they never checks mobile for every two seconds but their eyes are completely on the screen and they can't even close for one second.

Msg: Birds Birds in d sky dropd a pooty in
my eye, I dnt wory I dnt cry, I'm jst
happy that cows can't fly.

But the message is not from the expected number, it is from her friend(girl).  We see an ugly smile with dirty expression on her beautiful face.

Msg: I'm ur frnd dude...(from expected number)

The heart feels "if it is a boy...oh my goodness! I will enjoy", but the words from her lips are "some waste fellow is messaging.  " Then the beauty starts to type a message.., before that she receives one more message.

Need ny clue....?

Girl: hmmm...

Msg: I'm blah...blah...blah...

Girl: Saaaaaantoooooosh...:-)

Boy: Umm..,takes dis mch tim 2 tel my name..

Girl: Sry..,Saaaantooooorrrrr........
In such a way the endless story continues with blah..blah..blah.  The conversation in blah...blah is completely Lie and the Lie attracts everyone.Most probably girls receive messages from strangers that's why they used to change numbers frequently.Once ask your soul,"Is it right to chat..?" I don't know what your soul says but as a teenager I can tell you something.

Friends....there is nothing wrong to think in such a way and to chat, it's the teenage so everyone of us feels  in such a manner, if you didn't consult a good Psychiatrist.  Feel the feel of Breeze when it arrives, once you won't be back.  In the same way enjoy the happiest moments in the student life itself.  Once you were out of this life they never gets back because busy life(hard to accept) starts with sucking lucrative jobs or business or some may fly to abroad.  I don't know whether I'm correct or not but I'm sure about one thing..,  once you were out of the college then you don't have time to send forwards and funny messages.., good mornings.., good nights.., chatting in class rooms.., bunking classes etc......

So all my dear friends we have just one more year to start our tortuous journey and don't expect the same life as here.

  • The views expressed in this post are wholly that of the author and you have all rights to disagree.
  • I don't remember what else I supposed to write here but I hope you get the point.



  1. i think u were also in the same tempo once as the guy in this article ................

  2. Not once upon a time..,till the end of the teenage I will be like that@legend
    thank you @kavya,@bharani

  3. Impressive work.. good luck...!!!

  4. never find me with a mobile in hand at class,canteen or retreat. with such smile

  5. thanq...@aish
    Mr.Vamsee,now you are not in teenage.May be you are old or kid.

  6. its really so good...i really like it..marvlous

  7. Really nice dude !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Liked it :) :)
