A small village..,2 km to our college is Kanapur which is famous for its toasts.Let us see about it and I'm just the front end of the article..,back end is Raghuram and Vivek. According to my view it is Kana-Peenapur.
Time : 7.00 AM
The day I hates most from school life and let us see how it goes today......
A sweet voice from kitchen.."Chinni.., get up.., its already 7'O' clock ra..."
The voice reaches to ear but not to brain
After 15 minutes..."Bujji.., you will miss the bus and Dad scolds.., get up idiot"
Now the lazy left hand raises and picks up the mobile to see the time.Three forward messages, whatever the content may be, but the last line is Gud Ni8.., swt drms..:-)

No matter how many years passed the man I saw in the bathroom mirror every morning was the same--I wasn't any happier and didn't feel any better. From one side I started to think about why I was here on the planet and what my special mission was and from another side what's our breakfast.., Idly or Dosa...?
Again Mom calls "Stop dreaming my boy.., come out....."
Breakfast has already prepared, it is deadly not Idly and bus arrived. I sadly get into the bus and started to think "Where I have to take lunch..?CBIT canteen or MGIT canteen or Kanapur..?" Bus reached to CBIT.., I wished all the friends with smiling face and the reaction too same but none of them says "We shall go to movie...or We will bunk the class..." that hurts me so much. One man near buses looks at me as I eloped his girl friend.., I don't know what happened to him..!
Time : 9:40 AM
Watching the natural and artificial beauties of CBIT I simply get into MGIT and then to class. First two periods goes on very happily and then problem starts with the third period,not able to sit, looks front-back-left-right.., I heard someone murmuring from last bench..:
--Shall we go to Kanapur...?
--What's the next period..?
--lite ra....
--What about afternoon class..?
--We will see it later
Third hour finished, we were out of class.., sorry it is jail.Catches an auto or by friends car reached Kanapur. One who wants to smoke lits up cigarette and then orders some food. A thought originated from one's mind and conversation goes on..:
--Shall we drink...?
--Hey pagal.., I don't have attendence...,
--so what...?
--I have to attend the class..
--Aha....great joke
--What does it mean..?
--How many times we drunk and went to class....!!
--Ho...Ho...then get the bottles
--one kingfisher strong
--for me too same
--Royal stag half..
--vodka..,any brand except Fuel

Bottles and food arrived.In hot summer drinking cool beer is nothing but heaven. How many blue-chip drinks released in market but Kingfisher beer is the standard icon.Hats off to Vijay Mallya.When I drink I feel ashamed.., then I look at the bottle and think of the workers in the beer factory, their hopes, families and dreams..If people like us don't drink they will become jobless, it really feels good living for others.
--Hey get up.., we have to go..?
--Badkow class ra...
--I don't want to come and I want to drink one more...
--please ra....we will attend class
--ya..,we have to go
Finally we decided to enter into the jail again.., it starts at 1:45PM.
We are standing at class room door,mam gave a glimpse at us and it's the sign for dragons to enter into the battle field. Three conditions should be followed by us:
1:We should not speak to anyone.., just sit silently in the last bench.
2:No mam should identify your chewing gum.
3:Write the notes neatly at that time.
Of-course the three conditions fails to execute but we sincerely tries to follow them. Afternoon three hours completes very quickly as three minutes. We are moving to buses., again I see the same man looks as I did something to his love. "My god..!!honestly I never feel to harm anyone and wants to be friendly with everyone.., the only man disturbs my whole day with his sad expression."
Lastly and happily gets into the bus and reached home.
If you get fever or if your concentration is not on books or if your mind roams here and there during the time of exams..., then there is only tonic "KF strong..,gets back your concentration" if you don't believe just try once.
Not Important:
- Monday morning.., the worst morning in the past school life and in the future settled life but the best morning in the present college life because of Peenapur...
- Some of you may hesitate to mingle with us but once join with us. We are not forcing you people to drink,just have fun.
- I observed some of our girls are also visiting Kanapur just to eat and with pleasure they are invited to have company with us just to eat not to drink.
the article was very nice this time .if not i have not completed it ,becoz of its length .
ReplyDeletebut is this instance really ur's or written just to impress readers .
try to avoid the grammatical mistakes .
it's real but i didn't think about grammar mistakes..,casual ga likkha....
ReplyDeletesame thing...u r an xcellent writer..bt try 2 avoid d gramatical mistakes..der a lot too many in dis..
ReplyDeletebt still..i njoyed it ;)
P.S.: i lykd d "eloped wid grlfrnd" part..lol :P
ReplyDeletethanq shahid,chandra....wat evr I wri8 in dis blog r real time incidents....